Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Row, Row, Row your boat... Day 5

I sit here just exhausted. My workout tonight was 8:16 seconds long... but man was it a doosie! I am glad it's over and I did really well.

Today was just an easy day at home hanging with my sidekick. Woke up feeling like I could sleep a little longer, but still pretty refreshed. I started a new book last night Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes... WOW... last night I just read the Prologue and I was shaking my head with the information already. I know this is going to make my journey all that more understanding with food. I can already say, if anyone wants to read a book about how the medical community has come to today's standards for "diet" and how they researched it, and what their TRUE results are, get this book. One person told me that I will never want to eat sugar again after reading this. I am excited to read more about it!

So upon waking, I wasn't hungry. I IF'd until 1:30p today. I felt great! I didn't feel hungry, wasn't "starving"... my body just felt good.

morning: 1 cup, black coffee

afternoon: 2 baked chicken drumsticks (with coconut oil), sauteed asparagus (in coconut oil), 2 tbsp sunflower butter (I felt very, very full after this meal...)

evening: 1 apple, 4 tbsp almond butter-raw

fitday: cal: 1,351, fat: 97.6g, carbs: 47.3g, protein: 85.7


4 X 500 meter row; time: 2.4 seconds, 2.8 second2, 2.8 seconds, 2.2 seconds

And that my friends, kicked my ass. I was really happy with my time. I post my workouts on my gyms forum and I was looking at everyone's time today. I wasn't the fastest, and I wasn't the slowest. THAT made me really happy :). I am also now understanding why CrossFit is such a way of life for people. I am so into it! I know this is totally changing my life.

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