Monday, March 1, 2010

Falling in Love

I hope everyone has the chance to fall in love. It's one of the best feelings ever. It's very scary at times, nerve racking, joyous all in one....

When I get in my car to go see my love, I get butterflies. Before I walk thru the door, I maybe even get sweaty palms, stomach ready to jump out of my mouth.

When I am in my loves presence, I will do anything. I will move moutains. I will sweat over my love. I will go thru pain for my love. I can't stop thinking of my love. Morning, noon and night. I think about my love all day long. Wondering when is the next time I get to feel, smell and breath my love.

Sometimes, yes, I have pain because of my love. My love steals my breath away. I sometimes wonder if I disappoint my love. Or even if my love knows that I am there. My love has captured my heart and I will never let go. I live, breath and feel my love thru my blood...

I hope one day you will find this type of love... And yes, my love has a name...


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I'm back...

My 30 day challenge came and went. I was pretty darn proud of myself for getting thru it. Life has gotten busy and my sidekick seems to want more and more interaction! HA! :)

So this past Sunday, my gym started a 6 week primal/paleo challenge. I am so excited. I think this will just keep me on track. We had to take pictures (sports bra and shorts). Man, I haven't worn shorts in so long! I am actually excited to go down and buy a pair as I am feeling more and more comfortable in my body. That is what it's all about.

We took our Presidents day vacation down in Pismo. The weather was beautiful and it was just what we needed. I worked out two days while down there. Man, what a way to workout! Running on the beach (sprints), handstands, squats, push-ups. I have to say tho, I sure missed DCF. I craved my weighted workouts and I really missed my pull-ups.

I think this is possibly the longest I have ever stayed with something. I have worked out at least 2 times a week starting back in June, and now try to hit the box at least 4 times a week. It's amazing when you find something that you love, what you will do to get it done. And looking back on my lifestyle change with food. I don't even think about the grains anymore. That is no longer who I am. And it feels amazing. I remember in the beginning, I would "cheat" when we would go out to dinner. Now, I stick with eating the right way for me and don't even miss the grains. It's normal to me now the way I eat. What a feeling!

Now if I could get my sleep on a better schedule, that would be wonderful!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Runny noses - Day 27

The sidekick and I both have colds. Mine isn't too bad, I have to admit. But poor little man. He can't stand when I whipe his nose... :( So needless to say, it was a low-key day. I woke up a little sore from last nights workout. So just wanted to stay in and hang with the side-kick... did some house work and was just simple.

morning: cup black coffee, bacon, chicken sausage, brussel sprout, egg scramble

lunch: chili, homemade date bar (dates, peacans, almonds, unsweetened dried blueberries, cinnamon) , coconut water

evening: chicken wrapped in bacon, cauliflower pureed with coconut milk and garlic for faux potatoes,

snack: raspberries, pinapple with coconut milk.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Days 24, 25 and 26th

Geez, time flies! I can't believe that my 30 days is almost up! It was easier then I thought!

So, my mind is not as memberable then it used to be. So day 24 and 25 is not going to be posted with food. I will say, that I ate well and strict. No cheats. Day 25's WOD was a great one. It was 200 meter run, 1 min rest, 200 meter row, 1 min rest, 3 rounds. I did it in 10:05. And two guys really pushed me thru the workout. They have been a huge help with my workouts and I thank them emensly.

Day 26:

Today I decided to get on the scale. I told myself to stay off the stupid thing, but I really wanted to see my progression. And today was a good day! I hit my first major mile stone today. I wanted to get to 200lbs. Today is the day. So it took me a tad over 6 months. I think that is a GREAT accomplishment if I do say so myself ;) hehe.

So 1 more pound and I will be out of the 200's. I am so friggen happy. I will never, ever be this weight again. That is a promise I make to myself. So now I need to make a few more goals...

1. By March 23, 2009, loose 15lbs

2. By July 4, 2009, loose 45lbs

With these calculations, this will be 2lbs per week. I just have to remember to eat more. I think I will stick to being strict, and if I go out and want a drink (and I will stick with red wine) I will allow myself. But I will not drink nightly, or even weekly. I don't need to be drinking...

morning: almond, apple pancakes (so good), bacon, cup of black coffee

afternoon: bacon, chicken apple sausages, brussel sprouts, all sauteed

evening: chili, banana and almond butter, coconut water

WOD: 21 -15 -9

35lbs kettlebell swing
15lb thrusters
knees to elbows

Time: 9:55

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 22 and 23

Wow, this is really going by fast! I am almost done with my challenge! How cool is that?

Friday, Day 22

I was able to get to DCF (Diablo CrossFit) in the morning as my husband had the day off. I did have to take my sidekick down to the in-laws anyway, but it was all good. Got to class and just warm-ups was a doosie. We did tabatas. 20 seconds of pull-ups, 10 seconds rest. 20 seconds of push-ups, 10 seconds rest. 20 seconds sit-ups, 10 seconds rest. 20 seconds squats, 10 seconds rest. Repeat. I am feeling so powerful in my pull-ups. I am going to upgrade to a smaller band (meaning less resistance and more me pulling my own weight).

We then did back squats. I am really stepping back and making sure my form is perfect. Because if it isn't, why would I put more stress on my body with more weight? So I started with 33lbs... I ended with 53 lbs. It felt really great. Then the mini met-con. 10 Left, then Right hand, one handed snatch, 25lbs... and then 15, 20 inch box jumps for 7 minutes. hahah, I effin missed on of my jumps and fell off the box... I have a nice raspberry on my wrist (mmmmm raspberries...) and a HUGE bruise on my leg. But I got back up right away and got back into it. On Monday, I think I am going to do a few box jumps so I don't get scared of it. The rest of the day I just played with my sidekick and chilled.

morning: black coffee

afternoon: Lara bar (dates, nuts, apples) deviled eggs, chicken sausage

evening: homemade primal chili

WOD: 5x5 Back Squat

mini metcon:
7 minutes of
10L + R handed snatches, 15 20 inch box jumps

3 rounds

Saturday, Day 23

Went to my sisters to hang out. Got some new clothes for the sidekick handed down from his cousin. Always a great thing! Also, my sister has a few dresses that are now "goal" dresses for me. They are too big on her now, so she has passed them on.

I knew I wouldn't have the options to eat the way I want to today, so I took a Lara bar with me and had that when I was hungry. Then waited until I got home to eat.

morning: coconut milk, cocoa powder, almond butter and frozen banana blended into shake (with some water added).... SSSOOOOOO yummy! also, sidekick tried it and he LOVED it too. He kept opening his mouth when he was finished.

afternoon: Lara bar (dates, nuts, cherries)

evening: chili... lots and lots of chili

WOD: rest day

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 21

Something has been on my mind a lot lately. A girlfriend contacted me last night over email and she sent me a recipe for a snack bar. It was a recipe that I was familiar with and thanked her. She then proceeded to ask me questions about my eating and what I was doing. I tend not to go into too much detail, as I have noticed most people don't get it. Then she proceeded to tell me I should post all the meals I eat on Facebook and to talk more about it. My reply to her was "thanks, but no thanks"... I realize that if I were to post that, a lot of people would be offended. I would be going against everything they have ever been told about "diets". And you tell someone that they need to change their eating, then you are telling them also, if they have a family, that they are a bad parent if they don't change their child's eating. So most will be pissed that you are basically telling them they are bad people (which, it's far from the truth, but people tend to read into stuff WAY too much)...

And the ever annoying comment of "You have so much will power! I could NEVER do what you do!"... really? You mean if your life depended on it you couldn't change? I guess I don't understand the comment. What if I had a life threatening disease... would it be will power then? No, it would be something that is a life or death situation. What makes this really any different? I realized I was slowly killing myself. My weight was "fat"... I would probably be diabetic at some point. I guess I am just cutting it off at the get go. So is that really will power? To me, no. It's more about me wanting to live longer. To play with my family.

I have another friend that has cut out the grains and sugar also. She just started it. She mentioned today that she really wanted a scone. A low carb, no dairy, no gluten, low sugar scone. I tried to help, but I could only find muffins that had yogurt in it... so no go for her. I gave her a couple of tips that helped me to ward off the sugar cravings... All the comments that she got was "it will taste like cardboard"... "why are you torturing yourself! obviously you body NEEDS grains and sugar"... I had to close the thread because I knew they had NO clue what sugar does to your body. And hello people! Wouldn't one think if your body is craving it, like a crack fiend that is waiting for their next fix, that maybe, just MAYBE they could have an addiction?

Wow, I guess I needed to get that out. It's been bothering me a lot as of late. I don't mind sharing what I have learned about this whole process with those who want to understand more about it. But I guess I get confused to the "wow, you look amazing... i could never do that"... it's like they are complimenting you and giving you a slight back hand all in one...

And as for the friend that wanted me to post all about it, I could have told her about this blog.. but I really didn't want her all up in my business! haha....

morning: cup of coffee, coconut milk, bacon and eggs

afternoon: chicken breast wrapped in bacon, roasted brussel sprouts, apple with sunflower butter

snack: handful of unsweetened coconut flakes

evening: shephards pie, two deviled eggs

For time, 4 rounds

10 split jerks (63lbs)
100m farmer walks (25lbs each hand)
20 sumo deadlift high pulls (44lbs)
1 min rest

time: 17min 40 sec...

My arms are dead. And I am in love with the split jerk. I think this is the one I really want to excel at.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 20

Another rainy day here. Stayed in the house to keep dry and warm. It was a long day with the sidekick... he is always on the move!

WOD: rest day

morning: cup of coffe, coconut milk, chicken sausage, eggs, asparagus

afternoon: artichoke, a little hollendiase sauce (it was too lemonie for me, so switched to mayo)

evening: chicken wrapped in bacon (baked) and yams with coconut milk and cinnamon (yum)

snack: frozen cherries and raspberries, coconut milk