Monday, March 1, 2010

Falling in Love

I hope everyone has the chance to fall in love. It's one of the best feelings ever. It's very scary at times, nerve racking, joyous all in one....

When I get in my car to go see my love, I get butterflies. Before I walk thru the door, I maybe even get sweaty palms, stomach ready to jump out of my mouth.

When I am in my loves presence, I will do anything. I will move moutains. I will sweat over my love. I will go thru pain for my love. I can't stop thinking of my love. Morning, noon and night. I think about my love all day long. Wondering when is the next time I get to feel, smell and breath my love.

Sometimes, yes, I have pain because of my love. My love steals my breath away. I sometimes wonder if I disappoint my love. Or even if my love knows that I am there. My love has captured my heart and I will never let go. I live, breath and feel my love thru my blood...

I hope one day you will find this type of love... And yes, my love has a name...
