Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I'm back...

My 30 day challenge came and went. I was pretty darn proud of myself for getting thru it. Life has gotten busy and my sidekick seems to want more and more interaction! HA! :)

So this past Sunday, my gym started a 6 week primal/paleo challenge. I am so excited. I think this will just keep me on track. We had to take pictures (sports bra and shorts). Man, I haven't worn shorts in so long! I am actually excited to go down and buy a pair as I am feeling more and more comfortable in my body. That is what it's all about.

We took our Presidents day vacation down in Pismo. The weather was beautiful and it was just what we needed. I worked out two days while down there. Man, what a way to workout! Running on the beach (sprints), handstands, squats, push-ups. I have to say tho, I sure missed DCF. I craved my weighted workouts and I really missed my pull-ups.

I think this is possibly the longest I have ever stayed with something. I have worked out at least 2 times a week starting back in June, and now try to hit the box at least 4 times a week. It's amazing when you find something that you love, what you will do to get it done. And looking back on my lifestyle change with food. I don't even think about the grains anymore. That is no longer who I am. And it feels amazing. I remember in the beginning, I would "cheat" when we would go out to dinner. Now, I stick with eating the right way for me and don't even miss the grains. It's normal to me now the way I eat. What a feeling!

Now if I could get my sleep on a better schedule, that would be wonderful!