Monday, January 4, 2010

Monday funday... Day 4

The sugar craving is still there. But I am not caving. I will just eat a little more fruit to get the sweet taste. And, I made a yummy (healthy) drink that is helping too. I went walking around the mall today just to get moving. I was out and about running errands too. So a busy day, keeping busy! So lets get to it...

morning: 4 eggs, 2 chicken sausages (best stuff ever), cup of broccoli, cup of black coffee

snack: handful of walnuts, handful of raspberries and blackberries

dinner: steak, cup of brussel sprouts, sparkeling mineral water with the juice of one lime

snack: handful of almonds, 5 cherries, sparkeling mineral water with the juice of one lime

fitday totals: 1,422 cal, 92.4g fat, 41.7g carbs, 115.6g protein


3 reps, 7 rounds of Push presses (olympic bar)

45, 55, 55, 60, 60, 65, 70

mini met con:

12 minutes, as many rounds as possible

5 pullups (big band assistance)
8 burpees
100 meter farmer walk, 25# each arm

my rounds = 4

Overall, great day. My energy is good. I legs feel a little tired. I need to keep that in mind with my next few workouts. I was talking to one of the trainers today and she mentioned I could feel like crap since I am going really strict right now. So I will keep tabs on my body and not over extend myself.

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