Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 22 and 23

Wow, this is really going by fast! I am almost done with my challenge! How cool is that?

Friday, Day 22

I was able to get to DCF (Diablo CrossFit) in the morning as my husband had the day off. I did have to take my sidekick down to the in-laws anyway, but it was all good. Got to class and just warm-ups was a doosie. We did tabatas. 20 seconds of pull-ups, 10 seconds rest. 20 seconds of push-ups, 10 seconds rest. 20 seconds sit-ups, 10 seconds rest. 20 seconds squats, 10 seconds rest. Repeat. I am feeling so powerful in my pull-ups. I am going to upgrade to a smaller band (meaning less resistance and more me pulling my own weight).

We then did back squats. I am really stepping back and making sure my form is perfect. Because if it isn't, why would I put more stress on my body with more weight? So I started with 33lbs... I ended with 53 lbs. It felt really great. Then the mini met-con. 10 Left, then Right hand, one handed snatch, 25lbs... and then 15, 20 inch box jumps for 7 minutes. hahah, I effin missed on of my jumps and fell off the box... I have a nice raspberry on my wrist (mmmmm raspberries...) and a HUGE bruise on my leg. But I got back up right away and got back into it. On Monday, I think I am going to do a few box jumps so I don't get scared of it. The rest of the day I just played with my sidekick and chilled.

morning: black coffee

afternoon: Lara bar (dates, nuts, apples) deviled eggs, chicken sausage

evening: homemade primal chili

WOD: 5x5 Back Squat

mini metcon:
7 minutes of
10L + R handed snatches, 15 20 inch box jumps

3 rounds

Saturday, Day 23

Went to my sisters to hang out. Got some new clothes for the sidekick handed down from his cousin. Always a great thing! Also, my sister has a few dresses that are now "goal" dresses for me. They are too big on her now, so she has passed them on.

I knew I wouldn't have the options to eat the way I want to today, so I took a Lara bar with me and had that when I was hungry. Then waited until I got home to eat.

morning: coconut milk, cocoa powder, almond butter and frozen banana blended into shake (with some water added).... SSSOOOOOO yummy! also, sidekick tried it and he LOVED it too. He kept opening his mouth when he was finished.

afternoon: Lara bar (dates, nuts, cherries)

evening: chili... lots and lots of chili

WOD: rest day

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