Thursday, January 14, 2010

CheeseCake Factory - Day 13

One would think the temptation going to CheeseCake Factory for lunch would be unbearable. I had lunch today with a friend of mine that I hadn't seen in over 4 years. We met at CCF, and I was wondering how "hard" it was going to be. I mean, I L.O.V.E. cheesecake. Like, really, really love it... haha I hope I am getting my point across. I asked the waitress if there was a gluten-free menu (more and more places actually have them!). That was a negative. So I selected the salmon, nixed teh potato and added an extra veggie... It was delish. By the time, 2 hours later, we were done eating and talking, I didn't even think of the cheesecake! The menu was brought to our table, but I didn't even pick it up. It wasn't even difficult! I just didn't want it! I know it's only been 13 days, but I get it! I get it! I get that I can actually LIVE like this for the rest of my life.

And yes, next time I go, I will order a cheesecake! haahaa

morning: 1 cup black coffee, coconut milk

afternoon: salmon, broccoli, asparagus, black iced tea (unsweetend)

snack: handful of waluts, almonds and sunflower seeds

post workout: apple with almond butter


3x3x3x3x3 shoulder press 45/65(2)/65/60/60
mini metcon: 8:00 minutes, 5 burpees, 10 kettlebell swings, 35lbs
rounds: 7

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