Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Runny noses - Day 27

The sidekick and I both have colds. Mine isn't too bad, I have to admit. But poor little man. He can't stand when I whipe his nose... :( So needless to say, it was a low-key day. I woke up a little sore from last nights workout. So just wanted to stay in and hang with the side-kick... did some house work and was just simple.

morning: cup black coffee, bacon, chicken sausage, brussel sprout, egg scramble

lunch: chili, homemade date bar (dates, peacans, almonds, unsweetened dried blueberries, cinnamon) , coconut water

evening: chicken wrapped in bacon, cauliflower pureed with coconut milk and garlic for faux potatoes,

snack: raspberries, pinapple with coconut milk.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Days 24, 25 and 26th

Geez, time flies! I can't believe that my 30 days is almost up! It was easier then I thought!

So, my mind is not as memberable then it used to be. So day 24 and 25 is not going to be posted with food. I will say, that I ate well and strict. No cheats. Day 25's WOD was a great one. It was 200 meter run, 1 min rest, 200 meter row, 1 min rest, 3 rounds. I did it in 10:05. And two guys really pushed me thru the workout. They have been a huge help with my workouts and I thank them emensly.

Day 26:

Today I decided to get on the scale. I told myself to stay off the stupid thing, but I really wanted to see my progression. And today was a good day! I hit my first major mile stone today. I wanted to get to 200lbs. Today is the day. So it took me a tad over 6 months. I think that is a GREAT accomplishment if I do say so myself ;) hehe.

So 1 more pound and I will be out of the 200's. I am so friggen happy. I will never, ever be this weight again. That is a promise I make to myself. So now I need to make a few more goals...

1. By March 23, 2009, loose 15lbs

2. By July 4, 2009, loose 45lbs

With these calculations, this will be 2lbs per week. I just have to remember to eat more. I think I will stick to being strict, and if I go out and want a drink (and I will stick with red wine) I will allow myself. But I will not drink nightly, or even weekly. I don't need to be drinking...

morning: almond, apple pancakes (so good), bacon, cup of black coffee

afternoon: bacon, chicken apple sausages, brussel sprouts, all sauteed

evening: chili, banana and almond butter, coconut water

WOD: 21 -15 -9

35lbs kettlebell swing
15lb thrusters
knees to elbows

Time: 9:55

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 22 and 23

Wow, this is really going by fast! I am almost done with my challenge! How cool is that?

Friday, Day 22

I was able to get to DCF (Diablo CrossFit) in the morning as my husband had the day off. I did have to take my sidekick down to the in-laws anyway, but it was all good. Got to class and just warm-ups was a doosie. We did tabatas. 20 seconds of pull-ups, 10 seconds rest. 20 seconds of push-ups, 10 seconds rest. 20 seconds sit-ups, 10 seconds rest. 20 seconds squats, 10 seconds rest. Repeat. I am feeling so powerful in my pull-ups. I am going to upgrade to a smaller band (meaning less resistance and more me pulling my own weight).

We then did back squats. I am really stepping back and making sure my form is perfect. Because if it isn't, why would I put more stress on my body with more weight? So I started with 33lbs... I ended with 53 lbs. It felt really great. Then the mini met-con. 10 Left, then Right hand, one handed snatch, 25lbs... and then 15, 20 inch box jumps for 7 minutes. hahah, I effin missed on of my jumps and fell off the box... I have a nice raspberry on my wrist (mmmmm raspberries...) and a HUGE bruise on my leg. But I got back up right away and got back into it. On Monday, I think I am going to do a few box jumps so I don't get scared of it. The rest of the day I just played with my sidekick and chilled.

morning: black coffee

afternoon: Lara bar (dates, nuts, apples) deviled eggs, chicken sausage

evening: homemade primal chili

WOD: 5x5 Back Squat

mini metcon:
7 minutes of
10L + R handed snatches, 15 20 inch box jumps

3 rounds

Saturday, Day 23

Went to my sisters to hang out. Got some new clothes for the sidekick handed down from his cousin. Always a great thing! Also, my sister has a few dresses that are now "goal" dresses for me. They are too big on her now, so she has passed them on.

I knew I wouldn't have the options to eat the way I want to today, so I took a Lara bar with me and had that when I was hungry. Then waited until I got home to eat.

morning: coconut milk, cocoa powder, almond butter and frozen banana blended into shake (with some water added).... SSSOOOOOO yummy! also, sidekick tried it and he LOVED it too. He kept opening his mouth when he was finished.

afternoon: Lara bar (dates, nuts, cherries)

evening: chili... lots and lots of chili

WOD: rest day

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 21

Something has been on my mind a lot lately. A girlfriend contacted me last night over email and she sent me a recipe for a snack bar. It was a recipe that I was familiar with and thanked her. She then proceeded to ask me questions about my eating and what I was doing. I tend not to go into too much detail, as I have noticed most people don't get it. Then she proceeded to tell me I should post all the meals I eat on Facebook and to talk more about it. My reply to her was "thanks, but no thanks"... I realize that if I were to post that, a lot of people would be offended. I would be going against everything they have ever been told about "diets". And you tell someone that they need to change their eating, then you are telling them also, if they have a family, that they are a bad parent if they don't change their child's eating. So most will be pissed that you are basically telling them they are bad people (which, it's far from the truth, but people tend to read into stuff WAY too much)...

And the ever annoying comment of "You have so much will power! I could NEVER do what you do!"... really? You mean if your life depended on it you couldn't change? I guess I don't understand the comment. What if I had a life threatening disease... would it be will power then? No, it would be something that is a life or death situation. What makes this really any different? I realized I was slowly killing myself. My weight was "fat"... I would probably be diabetic at some point. I guess I am just cutting it off at the get go. So is that really will power? To me, no. It's more about me wanting to live longer. To play with my family.

I have another friend that has cut out the grains and sugar also. She just started it. She mentioned today that she really wanted a scone. A low carb, no dairy, no gluten, low sugar scone. I tried to help, but I could only find muffins that had yogurt in it... so no go for her. I gave her a couple of tips that helped me to ward off the sugar cravings... All the comments that she got was "it will taste like cardboard"... "why are you torturing yourself! obviously you body NEEDS grains and sugar"... I had to close the thread because I knew they had NO clue what sugar does to your body. And hello people! Wouldn't one think if your body is craving it, like a crack fiend that is waiting for their next fix, that maybe, just MAYBE they could have an addiction?

Wow, I guess I needed to get that out. It's been bothering me a lot as of late. I don't mind sharing what I have learned about this whole process with those who want to understand more about it. But I guess I get confused to the "wow, you look amazing... i could never do that"... it's like they are complimenting you and giving you a slight back hand all in one...

And as for the friend that wanted me to post all about it, I could have told her about this blog.. but I really didn't want her all up in my business! haha....

morning: cup of coffee, coconut milk, bacon and eggs

afternoon: chicken breast wrapped in bacon, roasted brussel sprouts, apple with sunflower butter

snack: handful of unsweetened coconut flakes

evening: shephards pie, two deviled eggs

For time, 4 rounds

10 split jerks (63lbs)
100m farmer walks (25lbs each hand)
20 sumo deadlift high pulls (44lbs)
1 min rest

time: 17min 40 sec...

My arms are dead. And I am in love with the split jerk. I think this is the one I really want to excel at.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 20

Another rainy day here. Stayed in the house to keep dry and warm. It was a long day with the sidekick... he is always on the move!

WOD: rest day

morning: cup of coffe, coconut milk, chicken sausage, eggs, asparagus

afternoon: artichoke, a little hollendiase sauce (it was too lemonie for me, so switched to mayo)

evening: chicken wrapped in bacon (baked) and yams with coconut milk and cinnamon (yum)

snack: frozen cherries and raspberries, coconut milk

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 19

Today was a stormy day. I had to man our windows the whole day. If the wind blows and it rains, our windows leak... Not cool. And then entertain the side kick too. It was truely an uneventful day.

My workout tonight was great. My lats are a little sore from all the pullups I did yesterday, so it was nice to take a break from them. We did rows and double unders. I finally go the hang of them towards the end of my session. I need to work on those every day... hahah, yeah, that was funny...

morning: black coffee, 4 strips of bacon, 5 eggs, handful asparagus

snack: frozen cherries, raspberries, mixed nuts, coconut milk

afternoon: slice of shepherds pie

evening: slice of shepheds pie

snack: frozen cherries, raspberries, mixed nuts, coconut milk

worked on split jerks tonight... I think I found something I really, really like.

300m row
15 double unders
250m row
30 double unders
200m row
45 double unders
150m row
60 double unders

time: 16 min 38 sec

I will have to plug in my next few days of meals into I upped my intake today per my trainer.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Rainy day - Day 18

Woke up this morning to rain. The sound of tapping on the window, looking up and seeing the bare tree swaying back and forth by the window. It's a cold rain too. The kind where you don't want to get out of bed, just snuggle and stay warm. My sidekick had other plans tho. hehe

We got up around 8:30a. Not bad at all. And my husband had the day off. I decided to head to the gym this morning to get it out of the way. I much prefer to go in the mornings. I had a full day afterwards. Got to the gym and the owner came up to me and asked me if I was a morning person. He said I wasn't my normal chipper self. I told him I was tired. He looked at me and said "You are not eating enough then"... and walked away.... After my warm up, I went to him to ask him a few questions. I did tell him that my son is teething and has woken up a few times a night the last week, which I am not used to. He said that could play a small part in it, but it's mainly because of my lack of food intake. So I told him about the recording of Fitday and told him my range and he said that I am eating way too low of calories... Ugh... So I am going to email one of the nutritionist from the gym and dial it in. He also said to loose the intermittent fasting right now. Okay, so that means I need to eat more. And here I thought I was doing pretty good. I know I am, but if I can add more food and the weight fly off, then I will go that route.

morning: cup of coffee, coconut milk

afternoon: BAS (big ass salad)... spinach, cucumbers, mushrooms, butternut squash, egg, broccoli, grilled chicken, raisins, sunflower seeds, poppy seed dressing, iced tea... desert: honey dew melon, kiwi and slivered almonds

evening: shepherds pie: meat, veggies, topped with collie flower that was mashed like potatoes... it was soooooo good. i got it off of Mark's Daily Apple.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 16 and 17

Yesterday and today were great days. Yesterday we had a party at a sporting good store for the gym I go to. We all hung out, ate (well, I really only ate an orange), others drank and we had weight lifting competitions. The guy and girl who could lift the most weight with a one handed deadlift, won gift certificates to the store. I did not participate. The women that go to my gym could kick my ass till Tuesday. I wasn't dumb... hahaha. Then my husband and I enjoyed a nice evening out to one of our favorite restaurants. It was a laid back night with the both of us. Just really nice to spend some quality time, just the two of us.

Today, I got back in the saddle again with massage. My brother's girlfriend had been wanting one for while, so I said I would give her one for a Christmas present. She cashed in today. I haven't given a massage in over 10 months. Since before my son was born. It felt wonderful. I hadn't skipped a beat. She was surprise after it was all said and done that I had gone that long not giving one. It made me miss my clients and the healing that is does. I think I might start putting out the word and colecting a small clientel base.

After the massage, I hung with my parents and son. We had a great dinner, but tonight was probably by far, the hardest night for me. The ladies of the family always drink wine at dinner. I wanted to cave so badly, but Stephanie (brother's girlfriend) asked me the best question... "at the end of your 30 days, will you be mad at yourself if you let yourself have a drink tonight?"... I would be. So, water it was. And of course, my step-mom made apple pie for dessert. I had a banana with blueberries and blackberries. I am happy that I didn't give in.

menus for the last two days:
Jan 16:

morning: cup coffee with coconut milk, 3 pieces bacon, 4 eggs scrambled

afternoon: orange, lara bar (it's a raw bar with dates, almonds walnuts and a few other nuts. it was delish. No sugar, no milk, no grains).

evening: baked sole with extra veggies, sparkeling water

Jan 17:

morning: cup coffee with coconut milk

late morning: shake (coconut milk, coco powder, frozen raspberries, almond butter)

snack: shrimp, raw veggies

evening; tri-tip, asparagus, mushrooms... dessert: blueberries, blackberries, banana

WOD: rest

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 15

I woke this morning realizing I totally forgot to write last night! And a great friend of mine gave me a little nudge as a reminder :).

Yesterday was a great day. I went to lunch with another old friend of mine that I used to work with. I hadn't seen him in over 4 years. He met my son and was totally blown away. He also has a new son (5 months old) and he said he looks identical to my son. And, his name is Jake. Then we laughed and he asked where my husband was 15 months ago! haha We had sushi and I went with the hand rolls and it was perfect.

After lunch, I called one of my girlfriends and we met up for a walk. We walk for 80 minutes. My legs were pretty tired afterwards, but it felt great. I should throw in a long walk weekly because it was really nice to get out.

morning: cup of black coffee with coconut milk

afternoon: two handrolls, no rice, one spicy tuna, one spicy scallops. both filled with veggies wrapped in seaweed

evening: homemade meatballs with grass-fed beef, liverwurst, Italian seasonings, pepper, salt and balsamic vinegar. heated some tomato paste and water, and put it on the meatballs... sooo good

WOD: 80 minute walk -fast pace

And thank you Hope. :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

CheeseCake Factory - Day 13

One would think the temptation going to CheeseCake Factory for lunch would be unbearable. I had lunch today with a friend of mine that I hadn't seen in over 4 years. We met at CCF, and I was wondering how "hard" it was going to be. I mean, I L.O.V.E. cheesecake. Like, really, really love it... haha I hope I am getting my point across. I asked the waitress if there was a gluten-free menu (more and more places actually have them!). That was a negative. So I selected the salmon, nixed teh potato and added an extra veggie... It was delish. By the time, 2 hours later, we were done eating and talking, I didn't even think of the cheesecake! The menu was brought to our table, but I didn't even pick it up. It wasn't even difficult! I just didn't want it! I know it's only been 13 days, but I get it! I get it! I get that I can actually LIVE like this for the rest of my life.

And yes, next time I go, I will order a cheesecake! haahaa

morning: 1 cup black coffee, coconut milk

afternoon: salmon, broccoli, asparagus, black iced tea (unsweetend)

snack: handful of waluts, almonds and sunflower seeds

post workout: apple with almond butter


3x3x3x3x3 shoulder press 45/65(2)/65/60/60
mini metcon: 8:00 minutes, 5 burpees, 10 kettlebell swings, 35lbs
rounds: 7

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Rest Day - Day 13

Today was the first real day that I had a hard time. Well, it was really this evening. I wanted a glass of wine really, really bad. And, well, chocolate.

My side kick is going thru something. He has four new teeth coming in. So he is cranky. I was able to take him out to the store today. He did great. We came home, he had a bottle and took a nap. Then about an hour or so later, he woke up. And all he did was cry and cry and cry. I tried a bottle again. I changed his diaper. I gave him tylenol and teething tablets. Nothing would work. I walked around with him. Just holding him telling him I was right there and I wasn't going anywhere. I just held him, rocked him, bounced him, held him like a football, just anything I could think of. It made me so sad I couldn't comfort him. I got him down finally for bed after a while, but then the wanting of wine set in. So, in order to kick that, I grabed some frozen raspberries and pineapple, drizzled some coconut milk over it and ate that. At least I controlled the beast tonight. It's a start.

afternoon: 2 chicken sausages, 4 scrambled eggs

evening: chicken, bacon, brussel sprouts in coconut milk

snack: frozen raspberries, pineapple with coconut milk

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sorness setting in - Day 12

Ouch! Really! My body hurts all over from last nights workout. I feel great. Side kick and I went to the mall today and walked around. I needed to get him out of the house. I tried on a few items on our trip. I found a really, really cute dress and it fit! Size 14! I can't believe it. It was another great ego boost.

morning: 2 chicken sausages, 4 eggs scrambled with 2 handfuls spinach and 1 garlic clove

afternoon: chicken, bacon, coconut milk all mixed together

snack: apple with sunflower butter


Deadlifts: 65lb/85/95/105/115

mini metcon: 10-8-6-4-2
25lb DB one handed push press, 40' suitcase lunges

time: 6:00

Monday, January 11, 2010

About dead - Day 11

Today was over all a rough day. It started with my side kick waking at 1am. He is teething and having rough go of it. I rocked him back to sleep within about 45 minutes. Then, 4am, awake again. No problem... got up, got him a bottle, rocked him and brought him back into bed with us. He slept until 6am. My husband had to get up for work at 5:45a and the side kick just didn't want to go back to sleep. He was fussing from 6a to 11:30a. Where did my little angel go? I felt so bad for him. I sucked it up, cause that is what a mommy does. He did sleep for a couple hours (of course do I take advantage of it and sleep myself? noooooo)....

The afternoon was okay. He was still fussy. I just kept him busy, as busy as I could. Then I looked at the workout for today. I was skurd...

morning: primal breakfast sammy ("busicut" was about a cup of almond flour and one egg, pinch of salt) two strips of bacon, turkey sausage and a fried egg

late afternoon: chicken breast wrapped in bacon, baked with coconut oil

evening: handful of almonds, banana, 4 prunes


800m run
100 push ups
400m run
100 situps
200m run
50 pushups
100m run
50 situps

time: 29:47

That workout was an absolute bitch... My arms are killing me. I rocked the situps. I was happy with that. Even the guys were impressed with my situp skills! hahaha It kinda frustrated me that one of the girls did NOT do all the pushups as called for. And she wasn't going all the way down... and then I thought, oh well, you only get back what you put out... I only needed to worry about myself and how my form was, not others.

But I felt kinda crappy before we all started this. The trainer was explaining what we needed to do and I didn't understand what she was saying... and I asked a question. It was not really cut and dry and it was confusing. So I asked another question and a guy moaned and walked away. Wow... really? Next time, I guess I will just keep my mouth shut and figure it out as I go along. It kinda made me feel bad that this guy was being a tool. Even one of the girls said to be nice... so I said out loud "sorry for being that person"... after the workout he came up to me and said I did a good job. Maybe that was his way of saying sorry... geez people...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Lazy Sunday - Day 10

I love my husband. Really, I do. He got up with my side kick this morning and told me to go back to sleep. I slept until 10am! I really needed it! Got up and took my side kick and my mom to Target. Got a few baby items and looked for, what else, clothes for me! As I was walking thru the isles, I walked by a mirror. I had to do a double take. There standing before me was a stranger. A good looking stranger. A skinny female that was wearing the same t-shirt and jeans! Wait a minute, it was... ME! I literally stopped and totally checked myself out! haha Now, whether the mirror that I had passed was a little warped, or it was true to "size", it gave me the biggetst ego boost! I have decided not to weigh myself over the next few weeks because I am really just trying to feel the difference in my body. And I feel it! My waist feels smaller. As much as this is a challenge to myself, I am understanding why I really needed to do this. I get that my body doesn't need sugar. It doesn't need grains... and okay, okay, it doesn't "need" cheese or alcohol *kicking the dirt*... haha... I guess every day that passes, it's getting more and more ingrained... pun kinda intended ;)....

Funny, it sunk in today that the way I eat won't be the new "drive thru diet" or the next diet to beat yourself up. I wish more and more people would actually look at what they are eating and realize that all that "stuff" that is in their foods are killing them. But, I am only one person and I am not a super hero (maybe to my sidekick, but that's a different story!)

morning: 1 cup black coffee

afternoon: chicken sausage, 3 eggs sunny side up, 1 cup of black coffee, over ice with coconut milk

evening: chicken cooked in coconut oil, then coconut milk, sunflower butter, 1/2 cup of frozen raspberries and cherries

WOD: rest day

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 9

This morning was an non sleeping in day. Got up and headed down to a good friend of mine's house. I went with her to her class, as she teaches a totally body workout at one of the gyms. Another good friend of ours meet up with us and did the class also. It was a great class. It worked everything. Since yesterday's workout, Fran beat me into submission, I had to take a couple breathers in today's class. My muscles were screaming! Anyway, it was a great class with great friends. Fun morning! After our workout, we headed over to Sweet Tomatoes. It's a salad bar place. Got a great big ass salad and i pul olive oil on it with a little vinegar. Loaded up with lots of veggies, eggs, sunflower seeds and chicken. Yum, Yum!

morning: 1 cup black coffee

WOD: total body cardio class 60 minutes

afternoon: big ass salad; spinach, mixed greens, cucumber, broccoli, butternut squash, carrots, mushrooms, eggs, sunflowers, grilled chicken, olive oil and vinegar

snack: bacon!! ( i was craving me some bacon like something fearce this afternoon! haha)

evening: 4oz steak, spoonful of almond butter

*didn't record anything in today as I am not going to attempt the salad input... lazy, yes :)

Tomorrow is a day of much needed rest. And with that, I am off to dream land...

Friday, January 8, 2010

Fran is my Homegirl... - Day 8

This morning started off with me going to the gym and meeting with Fran again. Warmed up and got right to it.

Fran is a CrossFit workout that is short and sweet. Well, not really sweet. More like ass kicking. Last time I did Fran, I went with the lightest olympic bar I could (33lbs) and did jumping pullups.

So it's a thruster (squat then lift the bar above your head, repeat) and pull ups. This time around, I went to a 45lb bar, and the band assisted pull up. It gave me a beat down... And I realize how much I love Fran.

WOD: Fran 21-15-9

45lbs Thrusters, band assisted pullups

time: 9:54

My time last time was 7 minutes something. This time, I upped the weights and the difficulty of the pull ups. I told myself to come in at least under 10 minutes. I am happy to accomplish this!

morning: 4 eggs scrambled, 3oz steak cut up, 3 pieces bacon, half cup broccoli, 1 cup black coffee

evening: cucumber and seaweed salad, sashimi plate with avocado, unsweetened black tea

Tonight was by far, my biggest challenge. I LOVE sushi. And, well, I know I can have rice once in a while, obviously I can't since I am on my challenge. And the one love, sake, had to be passed up as well. We went to dinner with some friends that just got engaged. I thought it was going to be so much more harder then it actually was. As much as those rolls looked yummy on my husbands plate, the sashimi plate was perfect. It was such fresh fish that it didn't even have a taste to it.

Each day that goes by, I am so proud of myself for sticking to my challenge. My girlfriend asked if I wanted to drink tonight, but honestly, I really didn't. I didn't NEED it. It's only 30 days. Why am I going to give in when I told myself to do this challenge? So I am coming to terms what this means to me.

1. When I eat the correct way, I really don't miss the crap

2. I am stronger then I think I am

3. This is turning into a lifestyle now

4. I feel so different then I ever have been before when I wanted to get "healthy".

So these are just some of the things that I have been processing. It feels good. It feels right.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow Shoveling in sunny Cal? - Day 7

I sit here figuring out if I am going to be able to get up. Another great night at CrossFit.

Today was a relaxing day with the side kick. And then I went to workout....

morning: 1 cup black coffee, 4 eggs scramble with chicken sausage, asparagus and broccoli. (mmm)

afternoon: 2 chicken drumsticks, apple and almond butter

evening: handful of almonds

fitday: 1,705 cal, 116.8g fat, 47.9g carbs, 128.7g protein


20 minutes of 400 meter run, 20 virtual shovels (55lbs), as many rounds as you can...

my rounds: 5

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Rest Day - Day 6

Yesterday's workout rocked my world. This morning I woke up and felt it. Not bad, but still felt it. I knew I would be walking around San Fransico today, so it would work itself out. Went to a great place in SF called Mixt Greens. It was an organic salad bar. The back wall was all bins of lettuce. It was so friggen cool. Met up with my bff and a great friend. This great friend is a former personal trainer of mine. She is amazing, in all aspects. We talked about eating, working out and planned a hiking trip :). It was a great day. Oh, and lots and lots of walking around SF.

morning: 1 cup of black coffee

afternoon: cobb salad (nutrition from site: 530 cals, 35g fat, 10g carbs, 44g protein)

snack: apple with almond butter

night: steak, brussel sprouts (roasted with evoo)

fitday: 1,157 cals, 81.6g fat, 42.1g carbs, 74.7g protein

totals: 1,687 cals, 116.6g fat, 52.1g carbs, 118.7g protein

Tonight I feel good. I am tired, but not exhausted. I am still working on the getting to sleep earler thing. That is my true down fall right now.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Row, Row, Row your boat... Day 5

I sit here just exhausted. My workout tonight was 8:16 seconds long... but man was it a doosie! I am glad it's over and I did really well.

Today was just an easy day at home hanging with my sidekick. Woke up feeling like I could sleep a little longer, but still pretty refreshed. I started a new book last night Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes... WOW... last night I just read the Prologue and I was shaking my head with the information already. I know this is going to make my journey all that more understanding with food. I can already say, if anyone wants to read a book about how the medical community has come to today's standards for "diet" and how they researched it, and what their TRUE results are, get this book. One person told me that I will never want to eat sugar again after reading this. I am excited to read more about it!

So upon waking, I wasn't hungry. I IF'd until 1:30p today. I felt great! I didn't feel hungry, wasn't "starving"... my body just felt good.

morning: 1 cup, black coffee

afternoon: 2 baked chicken drumsticks (with coconut oil), sauteed asparagus (in coconut oil), 2 tbsp sunflower butter (I felt very, very full after this meal...)

evening: 1 apple, 4 tbsp almond butter-raw

fitday: cal: 1,351, fat: 97.6g, carbs: 47.3g, protein: 85.7


4 X 500 meter row; time: 2.4 seconds, 2.8 second2, 2.8 seconds, 2.2 seconds

And that my friends, kicked my ass. I was really happy with my time. I post my workouts on my gyms forum and I was looking at everyone's time today. I wasn't the fastest, and I wasn't the slowest. THAT made me really happy :). I am also now understanding why CrossFit is such a way of life for people. I am so into it! I know this is totally changing my life.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Monday funday... Day 4

The sugar craving is still there. But I am not caving. I will just eat a little more fruit to get the sweet taste. And, I made a yummy (healthy) drink that is helping too. I went walking around the mall today just to get moving. I was out and about running errands too. So a busy day, keeping busy! So lets get to it...

morning: 4 eggs, 2 chicken sausages (best stuff ever), cup of broccoli, cup of black coffee

snack: handful of walnuts, handful of raspberries and blackberries

dinner: steak, cup of brussel sprouts, sparkeling mineral water with the juice of one lime

snack: handful of almonds, 5 cherries, sparkeling mineral water with the juice of one lime

fitday totals: 1,422 cal, 92.4g fat, 41.7g carbs, 115.6g protein


3 reps, 7 rounds of Push presses (olympic bar)

45, 55, 55, 60, 60, 65, 70

mini met con:

12 minutes, as many rounds as possible

5 pullups (big band assistance)
8 burpees
100 meter farmer walk, 25# each arm

my rounds = 4

Overall, great day. My energy is good. I legs feel a little tired. I need to keep that in mind with my next few workouts. I was talking to one of the trainers today and she mentioned I could feel like crap since I am going really strict right now. So I will keep tabs on my body and not over extend myself.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 3

Wow, I have already run out of catchy titles... haha

I slept so much last night! I finally fell asleep around 11:30p. Woke up maybe once or twice, falling back asleep, then waking around 6:30a to feed my son. Then pulled him into bed with us and fell back asleep around 7:15a. Waking finally at 10a! My son slept so well this morning! I think he is catching up on all the holiday madness. It was just a day around the house getting things done. Grocery store, laundry... the usual. My husband put up casing around one of our openings in the house (between our family and dinning room). It looks fantastic! I really wanted to go for a hike today, but I won't tempt to go by myself. Yes, I am paranoid to go into the hills... either getting lost or getting eaten by a mountain lion (don't laugh, we really have them!). Okay, okay, maybe that's a little much... :) I really would like to go on a hike soon though. Okay, so down to what I ate today:

morning: medium apple, 2 tbls almond butter, cup of black coffee

afternoon: steak, asparagus (sauteed in coconut oil), half an avocado

evening: 4 eggs, scrabled with 1 cup of spinach and 1 chicken sausage, 5 frozen cherries

I have to say, tonight has been a little tough. I am craving sweets. That is the reason for having the 5 frozen cherries. I needed to have something that was sweet, low in carbs and could take away the edge. Ugh, it's only day 3... sigh.. hahaha I know it will pass. And I know I will get through it.

So I am logging in all my foods now on Today was 1,543 calories, 112g fat, 49.2g carbs, 94g protein. I would have to say not a bad day with everything. I think I am pretty much on target.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bang, bang... Day 2

Aaahhhh, starting off 2010 with a bang... Today my husband and I took my little brother to the shooting range. We had a blast (hehe). We shot our AR, 2 different .9mm and a .40mm... I love the range. And, I am so happy that now I can finally rack my own guns. I wasn't strong enough to be able to rack them in the past. Now, I think due to me working out they way I have (I heart CrossFit) this has helped me tremendously. And doing it left handed! okay, okay, I am just really happy about it! So, knowing I would be out all day, I decided to do an IF after breakfast. Not a very long one, but not having lunch none the less. So, I had a bigger breakfast and just enjoyed dinner.

breakfast: one cup of black coffee, 5 eggs, 4 slices of bacon, a cup of brussel sprouts

dinner: steak, a cup of brussel sprouts, a cup of green tea (no sweeteners or cream)

On the way home from the range, my husband wanted pizza for dinner. So he stopped and picked up a pepperoni pizza from Little Ceasers. He got it in the car and I had to admit, it smelled kinda good... but then as I kept smelling it, I was thinking about all the crap that is in it. And I was SO happy that I was having steak for dinner. I knew I wasn't going to have a tummy ache tonight or early tomorrow morning. That made today worth it. I was thinking about the times I have given in to having the pizza for dinner. Thinking it's the easiest thing because I won't have to spend time in the kitchen. Yet, I pay for it dearly in the middle of the night when I wake up doubled over in pain. And knowing tonight I really had no desire for it made me feel great. Understanding that I don't have to give in because it "may" be easier. Understanding that I have full control over what I am putting in my body.

Feels effin fantastic!

No workout today. Just the day at the range. I do however, need to make more time for sleep. I know that it's really, really important to get sleep. So, on that note, I should call it a night and hit the hay.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year, More Change Day 1

The New Year is upon us. Today is the start of a new year, new decade. Over the last few weeks, the Christmas spirit has been in me. Family gatherings, friends and what else? Food... Ah yes, food. The gathering place of many is the table. Well, this past holiday season, I decided to stick to my guns and eat well. And did I eat well. Bacon and eggs for breakfast, steaks and steamed veggies (sometimes roasted) for lunches and dinners... I ate wonderfully. And my body is changing! And I know the little extra cheese here and there, a little sugar with the primal cookies... it all adds up. So today is the start of a clean slate....

My 30 day challenge to myself....

A couple days ago, my trainer said to me to go really strict paleo eating for 30 days. I hemmed and hawed... Then I came across this....

My jaw hit the floor... this is the ass kicking I needed. So... Here are the rules I am following as mentioned on the blog I have linked:

1. Eating real foods: meat, eggs, vegetables, nuts, seeds, fruit, oils (EVOO or coconut). Eating foods with very few ingredients.

2. I will not eat dairy. *sigh*

3. I will not eat grains, including bread, rice, pasta, corn, oatmeal and even the gluten-free grains...

4. I will not eat legumes.

5. I will not eat sugars, real or artificial.

6. I will not eat processed foods. No protein shakes, processed bars or creamers

7. I will not drink alcohol, in any form. *shutters*

My Plan

Each day I will make the decision to put good foods into my body. I will nurish it with good meats, veggies and fruits. I want to change the way I taste things. I will eat when I want to and eat until I am content. I will not measure, count, weigh anything. I will listen to my body with what it wants and needs.

I am really, really excited for this. Today has been a great day. I woke up after a great night ringing in the new year. I kept my food selections to primal, but did have a couple glasses of champange. I woke up not feeling like crap (others in the house did). My sister and I went to her gym to work out. It was a kick-ass class that made me realize I really, really need to get back into running. I think that will be a great addition with my CrossFit.

Today's food:

before class: banana, cup of black coffee
after class: 5 eggs, 3 pieces of bacon, cup of black coffee, water

dinner: home-made chili (no legumes), yams, water

So NO excuses... 30 days is not that long. It's not THAT hard. Yes, it's going to suck when I am craving chocolate or a glass of wine. But this is the whole point. To change the way my body wants food. I am ready to change... I have been good the past 6 months, but this is what I really, really need to do. Come February, I know I will have learned things about myself and what my body really, really wants. Maybe my weight will go down. Maybe my body shape will change. It's all good. I will keep going to my CrossFit. I will start runnig too. I need to step that up.