Dec. 17, 2009: 205
Dec. 10, 2009: 213
Lost this week: 8lbs
Total loss: 41lbs
Wow, just wow... This past week I have learned a lot about myself and this journey that I am on. As I have been reading The Primal Blueprint, something really stuck out and hit me like a ton of bricks. Stop beating yourself up. With every "diet" I have done (and trust me, there have been many) I would tell myself I was "bad" if I ate something off plan. But um, hello.... how can you keep on plan when you are eating something (carbs, or I should say breads) and they are truly empty calories. I love how people say "just eat things in moderation"... well, if you have a serving size of pasta, lets say, that is like half a cup to maybe a cup... really? Do you honestly think you will get full on that? This is why people fail. Those serving sizes are crap and the food is crap.
I haven't measured, counted calories or anything like this since I have started. It's not about counting calories. It's not about weighing your food. It's about putting good proteins, fats and carbs in the body. I have never been hungry. I eat usually two meals a day (gasp! the horror! not the 6 small meals? you are horrible!)
This really is sinking in. My head is getting out of the CW way of thinking and getting in line with me... thats what it is all about.
I gave myself permission this past week NOT to beat myself up. What happened? I ate great! I took the pressure off of myself and I didn't worry about if I slipped up. It meant I didn't worry about "am I doing this right" and instead, "I don't need those cookies. It does nothing for my body". Huge change in thinking.
I have a long road to go, but if I just change little by little, I know I am going to get there. I am feeling great after my CrossFit session and ready for tonight. I am sore in all the right places. I am looking forward to this next week and what it will bring me!